Spray-N-Grow founder, Bill Muskopf, began his career as a chemist in R&D at a major corporation. He became an accomplished scientist, holding six patents in the box industry.
But before that, he met his wife Ethel. Ethel’s parents were farmers.
Bill believed that growers, like his wife’s family, deserved the same care and diligence as any corporation, so he facilitated research on the three formulas he developed. His small, family-owned company embarked on 25 years of extensive research testing his signature nutrients on plants grown in soil and hydroponic mediums.
Because we believe people who grow for a living deserve a sure thing. So we proved everything we claim Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients can do.
Bill only wanted to work with the best scientists. In 20 years of extensive research in soil, he enlisted the help of Dr. A. E. Nightingale, a horticulture professor at Texas A&M University.
For hydroponic research, he collaborated with Dr. Lynette Morgan, a world-renowned authority on foliar feeding in hydroponics. Dr. Morgan’s research proved the benefits of Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients on hydroponically grown tomatoes, snow peas, lettuce and strawberries. Read the summaries of her research and download her complete reports below.

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